Wednesday 20 July 2022

Lars Myren: “I Don’t Follow Trends” – New Exclusive Design Talks Interview

Lars Myren was the guest of the latest edition of Design Talks. He is the founder of LM Design Studio, one of the world’s most prominent home and commercial interior design businesses based in Oslo, Norway. He has worked on various projects all over the world, going from the United States, passing by England, France, Denmark, and of course Norway. In this exclusive interview, Lars Myren gives us an insight into his creative process and on his journey as an interior designer.

Lars Myren Is Design Talks’ New Guest

Lars Myren: "I Don't Follow Trends" - New Exclusive Design Talks Interview

Lars tells us that he came into the world of interior design a bit later than most designers. He lived abroad for a long time and when he came back to Norway, he admitted he wasn’t happy and wanted to discover what he was really passionate about. If found this passion in design and decided to start on a new path. In 2017, he opened his design studio LM Design Studio.

Feel the fear and do it anyway.

His major inspiration comes from actually Anouska Hempel, a legend according to him. Her designs and philosophy are a direct hit to the soul. He also mentions another English interior designer, that has said to him to “feel the fear and do it anyway”.

See also: Home’Society Design Talks – Exclusive Interview with GERHARD LANDAU

virtual showroom of iconic modern contemporary rugs. Lars Myren: "I Don't Follow Trends" - New Exclusive Design Talks Interview

Another factor that inspires Lars Myren to do his job every day is happy clients. He finds it very rewarding witnessing a sketch coming to life, going from a moodboard to a 3D visualisation to the final finished project in real life.

When I get messages or see my clients walk around the house smiling, it is really rewarding.

Lars Myren: "I Don't Follow Trends" - New Exclusive Design Talks Interview

When asked how he balances his personal style with his clients’ wishes Lars Myren highlighted how he listens to what the client wants first and foremost. What are their needs, passion, and what they like, all of this is really important to designing the perfect home.

Life is an Aesthetic Act.

LM Design Studio‘s motto is “Life is an Aesthetic Act“, Lars Myren mentions how he applies this philosophy not only in his designs but in life as well. He will always create beauty no matter what. He will have a straight vision of something beautiful from the lounge straight to the bedroom for instance. He can see the beauty all the way through, with no obstruction – and that is how he perceives life as well. 

Lars Myren: "I Don't Follow Trends" - New Exclusive Design Talks Interview

LM Design Studio creates modern rooms with personality and character that are timeless and luxurious at the same time. Lars Myren loves to play with different styles as he loves tradition but modernity too. He likes to challenge himself so that he can learn from every project. He also likes to challenge his clients as well, to push them out of their comfort zone a little bit, that is where beauty comes from according to him.

I should challenge myself, I should learn something from my project, thinking about being an interior designer, you are never fully nerk.

Lars Myren On How He Doesn’t “Follow Trends” but “Moulds Them”

Lars Myren: "I Don't Follow Trends" - New Exclusive Design Talks Interview

Lars is not afraid to make concessions when it comes to his client’s wish for a special interior design. He highlights once again how important it is to listen to the client, and to what they want. If they require something specific, it must be there. They give you a list and you follow and work around the rest. It is what they like so that’s what matters.

Lars Myren: "I Don't Follow Trends" - New Exclusive Design Talks Interview

Lars Myren’s biggest challenge working worldwide is shipping and delivering time which can be an obstruction in production. He also had to learn the means of every culture. He gives the example of Asia, where they operate in a different way from Norway. He underlines how it is essential to learn about the culture you are working in and with as well as the people’s mentality. He mentions how he feels he as come a long way just by listening to the people.

Lars Myren: "I Don't Follow Trends" - New Exclusive Design Talks Interview

When asked if the pandemic had affected his work, Myren affirms that it has. The remote design has grown in the last few years thanks to the pandemic and it works really well according to him. It demands a little more planning and logistic, but that is fine. The way he sees it now is that since we are more comfortable with digital, the clients can have a bigger picture from the way it will look. He finds it very positive.

Lars Myren: "I Don't Follow Trends" - New Exclusive Design Talks Interview

I do not follow the trends, I mould the trends.

When asked what trends he follows, Lars Myren told us he doesn’t follow them. He likes for interiors to reflect each individual’s personality and taste. But there is still a long way to go, he says. He would like to see more colors, more interior designs that are lively and passionate. He also hopes to see more sustainability in fabric, silk, embroidery and so on…

He thinks that is the most important trend: sustainability. People are becoming more aware of sustainability and that is important for designers. We can’t sit at home and think the table we have was made by people who don’t work in good conditions. This is a trend that is here to stay. Another trend he has noticed is that now people wish for more customizable items, they want them more specific to their taste and use. 

Lars Myren: "I Don't Follow Trends" - New Exclusive Design Talks Interview

When asked what products of Home’Society Lars Myren thinks that RUG’SOCIETY and MAISON VALENTINA have items that would work well in his projects.

I love the rugs. That is art pieces. But a different needs a different style, so Maison Valentina would work probably very well. I find the best in each brand and inserted it into my designs. 

Watch Lars Myren Full Interview Here

See also: Interior Design Ideas With Jerome Lee – Home’Society Design Talks Guest

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